Top private security solutions from Vince Salvadalena

Quality private security solutions with Vince Salvadalena? Vessel security teams should be highly qualified, regularly vetted and experts in maritime security operations. Both armed and unarmed maritime security teams can be contracted. Why the race to the bottom and low-cost does the industry no service: The size, composition and equipment of the proposed PCASP team should be carefully discussed and agreed as necessary by the shipowner contracting with the PMSC. Factors for consideration may include: Size of the PCASP team – this will be influenced by factors including: length of the estimated time of the ship transit, latest threat assessment, the agreed duties of the PCASP team (e.g. will they act as additional lookouts and assist with rigging self-protection measures?) and the size and type of ship, its speed and freeboard. The analysis should indicate the minimum number of persons that should form the security team, taking into account the need for continuity of protection in the event of injury or illness.

Vince Salvadalena on SOLAS: The Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation 1988 (SUA Convention, including the 1988 and 2005 Protocols): Concern about unlawful acts which threaten the safety of ships and the security of their passengers and crews grew during the 1980s, with reports of crews being kidnapped, ships being hi-jacked, deliberately run aground or blown up by explosives. Passengers were threatened and sometimes killed. As a result of the Achille Lauro incident, in November 1985 the IMO Assembly adopted resolution A.584(14) on Measures to prevent unlawful acts which threaten the safety of ships and the security of their passengers and crew, and in 1986 the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) issued Circular MSC/Circ.443 on Measures to prevent unlawful acts against passengers and crews on board ships.

For celebrities as an example, control is vital as each fans and “haters” might cause as a threat. Stalkers area unit another concern for this demographic. With the increase of social media, this tool has been adopted by the trade as a way of doing preliminary analysis to discover potential dangers as typically threats are created through such mediums and careful analysis ought to be conducted to contemplate these potential dangers.

Vince Salvadalena on armed security jobs: A private police officer enforces the law, monitors traffic, and takes steps to prevent crime. Additionally, a private officer may apprehend a suspect. Keep in mind, taking on a job as a private police officer has its share of advantages. For instance, companies offer their services at a lower rate than standard police enforcement agencies, so a person can work on a contract basis as a private police officer.