Eye Exams solutions from dr. Aarti Pandya right now

LASIK Surgery recommendations from Aarti Pandya MD Atlanta, Georgia: Dr. Aarti Pandya is a board certified ophthalmologist with extensive experience treating a range of eye conditions and performing a wide range of laser vision correction procedures, including LASIK and cataract surgery. She earned her undergraduate degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill before being accepted to UNC’s School of Medicine at Chapel Hill at the age of 19. Read extra information at https://www.instagram.com/aartipandyamd/.

Cataract vision loss is a life-altering experience that impacts the simplest of everyday activities like driving your car at night or walking around on a bright sunny day. As the eye’s natural lens clouds with cataracts, the world around you can become blurred, distorted and dull. During your cataract surgery screening, we can also discuss the many benefits of insurance coverage (such as Medicare) to help offset the out-of-pocket cost of cataract surgery.

If you have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes and are dealing with any such vision concerns, you should schedule an eye exam as soon as possible to get tested for diabetic retinopathy. Anyone with diabetes is at risk of developing a serious eye condition like diabetic retinopathy, but there are additional factors that could increase your risk. Drug Treatments – Anti-VEGF drug treatments injected into the retina target a protein responsible for abnormal blood vessel growth. Supplemental corticosteroid treatment may be included. Vitrectomy – Surgery to remove excess blood and scar tissue from the middle of the eye (vitreous). The best treatment option for you depends on the severity of your condition. Mild cases of diabetic retinopathy can often be managed with healthy lifestyle changes designed to better manage your diabetes.

Almost all of us have experienced itchy, red or dry eyes at some point. Dry eye syndrome is characterized by a chronic lack of lubrication causing irritation in the eyes. Depending on the cause and severity of the condition, dry eye syndrome may not be completely curable. However, most cases can be managed successfully. If you experience constant irritation from dry eye, let our staff of experts help you relieve your symptoms. With years of collective experience, our team has helped countless patients manage chronic dry eye with the appropriate tools and treatments. Schedule a consultation with us today to learn more about the treatment options we offer.

Our glaucoma patients receive the best of care at the hands of our eye care specialists and friendly support staff. If you or a loved one is suffering with glaucoma, we’d like to help. The term “glaucoma” actually refers to a series of eye related conditions, notably open-angle glaucoma and angle-closure glaucoma. There are other, less common types of glaucoma including normal-tension glaucoma, congenital glaucoma and secondary glaucoma. Through comprehensive eye testing that measures peripheral vision, the pressure in your eye, optic nerve health, the thickness of your cornea and fluid drainage, our glaucoma specialists can identify your specific type and develop a custom treatment plan designed to save your vision.