The upsurge of a gifted pianist : Johnny Hachem

Johnny Hachem or the ascent of a gifted composer: Johnny Hachem is a Lebanese-Ukrainian composer and pianist, based in Switzerland. He is the holder of many international awards including the 2009 international award for the Music Composition at The International Composition Conference (Cergy-pontoise, France) and the 2021 Third prize of the Classic Pure Vienna International Composition Competition (Vienna, Austria). Johnny Hachem is one of the most promising composers in Europe, with an extensive resume that includes prestigious awards from around the world. He has been awarded many international awards including the 2009 Music Composition Award at The International Composition Conference (Cergy -Pontoise, France). Read more info at

There are two schools: one is to repeat accurately and punctually all the previously written compositions, the other is to improvise and feel free to find the inner connection to them. Which one do you favour more? Johnny Hachem:Honestly, both. That’s why most of my solo piano concerts are under the title of “Composition and improvisation recital”. The 21st century brought tremendous amount of digital music making tools, lately even softwares, AIs started to do the work of composing, mixing and truth to be told, the streaming services encourages everyone to release new songs every month or even more frequently. Obviously, there is the question of quality and originality, too. What about you? Can you see yourself as an everyday new song writing artist or integrity and authenticity must meet uniqueness and genuine originality?

While sharing his experiences, Johnny revealed, “My mom used to play the piano while my dad played the violin. They were my biggest influence. I remember very well how touching it was to hear them play together when I was a child.” Besides his parents, other renowned names in the industry have deeply impacted him, including Richard Wagner and John Williams. “Richard’s music affected me a lot when I was young, and it used to take me to another world. I felt that I could live my best feelings while listening to it. I wanted to be a composer like him and compose music that affects people and makes them feel better,” explained the piano genius. Fast forward to the present, he added, “I believe John Williams is the best composer in today’s time and age. His music is breathtaking. He is a wonderful conductor and pianist as well. I learn a lot from him.”

Who are you listening to these days? Johnny Hachem: Brahms, Wagner & Sibelius. This is a brand new year. What hopes and plans do you have? Johnny Hachem: I am composing 3 new pieces for symphony orchestra, Wind Quintet & String Quartet, I hope they will be performed during this year and loved by the audience! Before we go, could you say a few encouraging words for your fans and readers? Johnny Hachem: First, I want to thank you for those deep and interesting questions and for interviewing me! I want to thank all my friends and fans who believed in my talent and encouraged me throughout the years and tell them to believe always in their own taste and never work against their belief!

Johnny Hachem composer and pianist, was born in Beirut. He is a live performer, as well as a film composer. He holds two international awards including the 2009 international award for the Music Composition from the The International Composition Conference (Cergy-pontoise, France). The music industry in the US is huge. With a lot of mainstream and underground musicians trying to make it big in the industry, it is only a handful of extremely talented individuals who shine bright in the crowd.

I was born into a musical family. My dad, who passed away 10 months ago, used to play violin and my mom the piano. I remember very well how beautiful it was to listen to them playing music together at home and in church. And I was influenced by them a lot. But when I was a child, we had war in Lebanon and it was difficult to attend the music school, so I put a lot of time into piano improvising and trying to make my own music. My mom started to help me and after that, when the war stopped, I started studying music officialy.